It looks like it’s in fashion. You have probably seen several people wearing these magnetic bracelets. Apparently, they have nothing special and no practical function, other than adorning the user. 

But the followers of this new fashion preach that the magnetic bracelet has incredible benefits for the human body.

In this article, we will explain everything behind these magnetic bracelets. What benefits do they bring to the user? How do they work? Is it scientifically based? These and other questions will be answered throughout the article.

Magnetic bracelets: everything you need to know

Magnetic bracelet

In the next few paragraphs, we have gathered some very useful information about magnetic bracelets. Learn once and for all what they are, how they work, and what benefits they bring to our bodies.

What is a magnetic bracelet?

A magnetic bracelet is nothing more than a regular bracelet with magnets that will influence the magnetic field of your body. Every bracelet has a hologram that interacts positively with the magnetic field of your organism. 

What it does is to improve the “communication” between the millions of cells in your body.

According to people who use this accessory daily, the improvements in health and well-being are very noticeable. Blood circulation is optimized and you gain more balance, flexibility, and strength.

The magnets that come in these bracelets work indefinitely. They do not lose power and much less need to be recharged.

In addition, because they are combined with titanium metal, they have high strength and withstand even high temperatures. The bracelets are sold in different shapes, colors, and sizes.

What are the benefits of magnetic bracelets?

According to the advocates and users of this accessory, the benefits are numerous. Many advantages and virtually no disadvantages. See now a list with the supposed benefits of magnetic bracelets.

01. Increases the body’s immunity

Low immunity is a serious problem. If at some point in your life, you have already had low immunity, you know how easy it is to catch diseases during this period. Flu, colds, viruses, and even more serious illnesses, such as pneumonia, affect people with low immunity.

But when you wear a magnetic bracelet, you automatically boost your immunity level and become more resistant to disease.

02. Reduces pain and fever

And if you happen to catch a cold or flu and become really sick, you won’t feel the pain and fever as badly.

03. Has anti-inflammatory action

If you have a cut or injury on your body, you know that the natural action is inflammation. This is an indication that your body is working to clean that area as quickly as possible.

But when wearing a magnetic bracelet the inflammatory action is reduced. This brings you several benefits and more comfort.

04. Improves blood circulation

Good blood circulation is essential for our body. After all, blood transports oxygen and nutrients to all of our cells. Thus, magnetic bracelets also help our blood to travel throughout the body, clearing the arteries and veins.

05. Decreases stress

Stress affects millions of people today. With our lives increasingly busy, problems, and diverse responsibilities in the family and at work, stress levels are increasing.

Stress can bring on a range of problems, such as hypertension, anxiety, cardiac arrhythmia, and even depression. Magnetic bracelets also help to reduce stress, increasing your quality of life.

06. Eliminates salt from the body

Salt is the spice of life. But in large quantities, it can cause hypertension. Outside it increases fluid retention, giving you the appearance of being fatter. Therefore, another benefit of magnetic bracelets is the reduction in the amount of salt in the body.

07. Assists in osteoarticular treatments

Anyone who has joint and bone problems can benefit greatly from magnetic bracelets. They have the power to assist in osteoarticular treatments, which involve the cartilage of the joints as well as bone density.

08. Regulates the intestine


When you start using magnetic bracelets the chances of you suffering from constipation are minimal. This is because these accessories help to regulate the intestine, making it work like a clock.

09. Get rid of toxins in the blood

We have already seen that magnetic bracelets can improve blood circulation and reduce the amount of salt in the body.

Well, in addition, it is also able to eliminate toxins from the blood. Our body naturally produces various substances that cannot circulate in the bloodstream for long.

By wearing a magnetic bracelet you get rid of such toxins.

10. Improves sleep quality

All users of magnetic bracelets say they have gone to sleep much better after starting to wear them. People no longer wake up during the night and, in the morning, feel that they are totally refreshed, with no signs of tiredness and ready for another day of work.

11. Decreases muscle fatigue

If you usually work out or practice intense physical activities, know that another benefit of magnetic bracelets is that they prevent or decrease muscle fatigue. 

So you recover more quickly from training and can start training more intensely in the gym.

12. Replaces oxygen in cells more quickly

After intense physical activity, body cell oxygen levels tend to return to normal within 48 hours. But, using a magnetic bracelet, the oxygen in the cells can be replenished in up to 20 minutes! Incredible isn’t it !?

These are just some of the advantages that magnetic bracelets and their technology of magnets and magnetic fields have that can improve anyone’s life.

How do magnetic bracelets work?

Magnetic bracelets use the force of magnetism to act on the arteries around the wrist. With this, they manage to improve blood circulation as a whole. Optimizing blood circulation feeds all cells with more nutrients and oxygen.

Magnetic bracelets realign the magnetic fields of our body, causing a marked improvement in our well-being. This improvement is reflected positively especially in chronic and muscular pain. Magnetic fields are capable of dilating and contracting blood vessel fields.

When you have an injury or trauma, the vessels are constricted, decreasing blood flow at the site. Thus, pain, redness, and swelling decrease.

When everything is in order, the vessels dilate, promoting greater and better blood circulation.

Should I suspend any treatment and wear only the bracelet?

Not! As we saw in the previous topic, the advantages and benefits for the body that magnetic bracelets are capable of providing are numerous and very good. But they alone do not solve their health problems or cure diseases.

If you have a health problem that requires traditional medical treatment, do not stop treatment. Magnetic bracelets can help you to improve and recover faster, but under no circumstances should they be used to cure and treat any type of illness.

Are the benefits of magnetic bracelets scientifically proven?

Unfortunately not. Several serious studies have already been done on the effectiveness of magnetic bracelets and other technologies involving magnetic fields and magnets and no positive effect of these bracelets on the human body have been proven.

Even the Ministry of Health and the National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) warn that there is no scientific evidence regarding the effectiveness of magnets and magnetic fields for improving blood circulation and other benefits to the human body.

In fact, even several companies that produce and work with this type of technology have been banned from advertising in any medium regarding the supposed benefits that bracelets can bring. Note well! They were prohibited from advertising and not selling.

As well as no benefits were noticed, there were no side effects for wearing such bracelets.

Who is it not suitable for?

Despite having no side effects, magnetic bracelets should not be worn by people who have a pacemaker, defibrillator, or insulin pump. This is because the change in magnetic fields can hinder the correct functioning of these devices essential to the patient’s life.

In addition, pregnant women should also avoid wearing bracelets. And if you received an injection of cortisone in the last 2 weeks, it is good to avoid using these magnetic bracelets.


Magnetic bracelets, as you can see throughout the article, are accessories that are not just for decoration. Through various technologies based on magnetic fields, these bracelets are able to improve our well-being and provide stronger health.